Did you know they 41% of all transgender people have attempted suicide at least once? Unfortunately, that leaves a large window for our brothers and sisters who have succeeded. Let that sink in for a moment. That means that nearly half of the living transgender community has attempted suicide. I am one of those people. So if you know two transgender people, I make the statistic true. It's a very sad and deafening statistic. Deafening because we should, as a society, be listening to these cries for help. Cries for love, hope, need, friends... Too many of the transgender community have been lost due to their own hands.
But on huge flip side, too many of the transgender community have been lost to senseless violence. Lost to rapes, murders, attacks, vile hatred. All unnecessarily. All without just cause. In November of 2013, only 238 murders had been reported WORLDWIDE. Can you imagine how many more there truly were? Whether the victim was living stealth or were completely unable to be identified and thus slipping through the cracks. Maybe they weren't acknowledged as transgender and were said to be their birth gender instead. That adds insult to injury, in my opinion. Should something ever happen to me, I would hope my family and community had the respect to gender me properly.
I will admit: I am removed from the violence just enough that my personal life has not been deeply affected. Living in one of the most Red states of them all, it does surprise me at times. It does trouble me when I hear about another trans person being murdered, treated worse than trash, being burned, being sexually assaulted. It deeply troubles me. I cannot imagine the fear and the pain. I don't really want to, honestly. I have only been confronted negatively once in a public bathroom but thanks to outstanding men, I wasn't physically harmed. I was on edge and was afraid for a short time afterward, but if I could tell those who looked out for me "thank you", I'd do it in a heartbeat. We all need a little help from time it time.
Trans rights are no different than race rights, than women's rights, than gay rights...the most popular meme I see is "trans rights are human rights" and that hits the nail square on the head. Human rights are basic and necessary. The gay movement wants to be able to marry and have access to family and legal rights such as healthcare, parental rights, etc. and what's so wrong with that? If my friends want a piece of paper that proves their love to each other, why deny them that? More taxes are collected on maried couples, right? Why would we not want that? It can be difficult for single people to adopt (so I've heard, but I cannot confirm this personally), but it's even more difficult for a gay couple to adopt. Why? Is the baby going to grow up and be gay? Not necessarily.
We live in a world where it's still ok to believe in stigmas and stereotypes. Even ones that are severely outdated and need to go out with last weeks trash. It's just not okay. I have lots of friends who may someday want to get married. If you are a transgender person, have not had your gender marker changed, and live in a state thst does not recognize same-sex marriages, you cannot get married in your state. I, too, would like to get married someday (should that be in the cards for me) but I'm not sure I'll be able to marry in my home state. Not sure I want to. But the thought of having such a basic freedom excites me.
If I want to, I should be able to get married. If I want to, I should be able to adopt. If I want to, I should be able to walk freely through my community without fear of being beaten or worse.
W all have something that makes us different from the other 6.8 billion people on this planet. Judging a person because they do not conform to YOUR idea of "normal" is wrong. Because what if you, Mr. All-American Football, do not fit into MY idea of normal? Do I have the right to shame you? To set your truck on fire and carve "DIE FUCKING NORMAL GUY!!" into your red paint job? Oh, you date a pretty cheerleader? I'm going to throw bottles of beer at you two when you walk down the street because your lifestyle are sickening to me! Your choice to be like this is disgusting and I don't agree with it!! I sound crazy, but I don't care because my rights are being hindered due to your secret agenda! How dare you!!!
The hatred out there is so backward. People hate what they do not understand. Of the 41% suicide attempts, how many of them do you think come from some form of bullying or hate towards thst individual? I can't find the number of that, but I'm willing to bet 50% or greater. I can only speak for myself when I say that I did not attempt suicide for attention, nor did it happen because I was being bullied. It happened because I felt like an abomination. Because I would rather die than admit that I wasn't the perfect little girl my mom had wanted and tried to raise. When I realized that I had to love myself and be honest with myself, it would set the example for others to love and appreciate me. It worked. Not many people rejected me, not many people hated me and nobody tried to deter me.
I wish I were able to say the same for some of my brothers and sisters. I wish I could say that the suicide attempt rate was simply 10% or even less. I wish I could say that less than 238 reported cases of murder were reported. But I can't. I realize hate will always be out there in one form or another. But it is up to us, those of us living today, who support equal rights for ALL HUMANS, to stand up for our humanity and save those who need saving, to protect those who need protecting and to do everything we can to educate and get rid of the anger and vileness that exists simply because people do not understand.
If you or someone you know is struggling with depression and think suicide is the answer, please call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1.800.273.8255 Your life is more precious than you may realize. All calls are anonymous. If you feel you cannot call, please contact me via email. I will do all I can to get you in I intact with the resources you need to get through your struggles. I will not abandon you.