So, a while back, I asked you guys for your questions on what it's like to date a trans guy. There were some interesting questions asked and every question was answered. We broke up the responses into two videos (part one, part two -must be watched on computer-).
I'd like to thank you guys for asking sensitive and thoughtful questions and I hope you got valuable answers. I'd also like to thank Rachel for taking the time and he willingness to answer.
In case you aren't able to watch them, here is the transcript.
Do you consider yourself straight or gay since your partner is a natural-born female? Straight
Does him being trans make you question your own sexuality? No
What are some of the challenges you've faced? (what are some of your struggles dating a trans guy?) What's the most difficult part of dating a trans guy? Being open with my family
Would you ever consider breaking up with your boyfriend for someone less complicated (a natural-born male?) No
What is the most important thing you have learned since being with a trans man? Respect? Cuz you should have it with everyone regardless of whatever. The struggle comes when people choose a "different life path" than "normal"
How has your perspective on equal rights changed since being romantically involved with a transgender man? No
What qualities do you think it takes to be with a trans person? The same qualities it takes to be with any person? Maybe a stronger will, patience, courage...if you're looking at it from the outside worlds perspective of it not being "normal".
What are the differences in dating a natural male vs. a transgender guy? Physical body parts
Do you two ever get offended with each other because you think too much like women? No
If you think longterm together, how do you see the family dynamic? Would you have kids together? Who would carry the baby? Would you tell them the whole story when they got older? Husband/wife. Father/mother. Maybe on kids..depends on age. I would carry. Yes
Does the prospect of your partner having surgery scare you? Yes, just as any surgery would. Complications etc are always a possibility with major surgery.
Would you rather your partner keep their same body or have surgery? I would like my partner to do whatever makes him happy and comfortable and keeps him healthy
Would you leave your partner if the surgery was unsuccessful or didn't end up as hoped? No
Are you included in the decisions pertaining to his future transitioning? Where do you stand on hormones and surgery? Yes. It's not for me, it's all for him. I support whatever he needs to be happy.
Do you get uncomfortable when your partner is called ma'am and the like? Yes, it's not natural.
Do you and your guy talk about his struggles? Mostly, there are times when he wants to work through things on his own and isn't ready to talk. It doesn't do any good to push, supporting and patience...communication is key in a relationship.
When you first met, did you think your guy was a girl? Girl bc we met at work where he was
required to use his legal name which was female. Without a name, I assumed guy.
Would you have known your guy was transgendered if he hadn't told you? Yes
How did you initially handle the news? Already knew
Are you willing to give him shots for the rest of his life? Yes