Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Common Misconceptions

Watch the video on this topic here.

I get it. We all misunderstand things from time to time and, often, it's not a big deal. But when you judge someone or a group of people based off these misconceptions, things get sticky. These are some of the biggest misconceptions I've noticed against the transgender community.

  1. Trans guys are lesbians if they date women.
    1. Not always true. I was born a woman and see myself as a man. When it comes to dating, I prefer to date women thus making me straight.
  2. Trans guys dislike female anatomy.
    1. Not always true. As previously mentioned, I prefer women (implying I appreciate their anatomy...which I sure do) Gender and sexuality are not one in the same. Not all gay men are repulsed by female anatomy. It just depends on previous experience, expectations, desire and personality.
  3. Transgender people are mentally ill.
    1. As of 2010, being transgender is no longer a mental illness. It is considered Gender Dysphoria. Anxiety is not a mental illness and neither is depression, but they are two aspects of being transgender that are extremely common, moreso than in the general public.
  4. Trans guys are white.
    1. Not true! There are a lot of white trans men, but that doesn't mean it is exclusive to any race or races. Transgender people range from every continent to every class to every race. It's not something that clings to one area of the universe like a disease. It's as natural and indiscriminate as having blue eyes.
There will be a SECOND video and a SECOND blog post for this topic as I had a lot more to say than expected. Stay tuned!

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