My latest video will be up later today, but I want to get this out as soon as possible because the NEXT video depends solely on YOU!! The CoJaRi team wants to answer YOUR questions that you may have on what it's like to date someone who is trans. Do you want to know if their views on equality change? Do you want to know what the hardest part of dating a trans person is? Whatever your question, we want to answer it. Feel free to comment here or the video, message me on facebook, text or email me, do whatever you need to get my attention and we will do our best to answer all the questions we receive.
Legend: T is Testosterone. Pre-T is Pre-testosterone. Pre-op is Pre-operation.
On to binding and passing. Binding is a very useful tool when trying to pass or assimilate to living as a male. There are multiple combinations of good binding out there, it all depends on preference, cost and chest size. I use a binder that has a compressive front and a mesh back to wick away sweat when I get hot. You can get them, most commonly, in three styles: sports bra, midsection and tanktop. You can also get one that secures by velcro, zipper or pullover. I personally wear a tanktop because it's more my style and fits my body type better. You can also wear a sports bra and then layer shirts, most tight to most loose. Be careful to not overheat yourself with the layering method.
A couple of other ways people try to bind, especially in the beginning or when they don't have the resources to get a proper binder, is to use duct tape and/or Ace bandages. I've used both and they hurt like hell. You can get them both way too tight and it becomes difficult to move and breathe. Duct tape can rip layers of skin off, even when you peel it off slowly. With any binder, if it is too tight and worn for extended periods of time (longer than 8 hours or so per most websites), liquid can form on your lungs and cause many health issues. You'll have labored breathing, need to have the fluid drained if it doesn't go away on its own, and permanent breathing issues. There can also be bad bruising on your ribs.
Passing is 98% confidence. Whatever you project into the world is what people will pick up on and acknowledge. Be comfortable, confident and yourself and you have down the majority of passing, with or without T. I don't take T, but I am able to grow facial hair. I know it's a huge part of how I identify. When I shave, I feel naked and look really young. We convey who we are and sometimes our happiness is attached to how well we pass when we are pre-T and pre-op.
Growing up, my best friend was a boy so I learned from the age of four how young boys acted. As a teenager, I observed how guys acted, talked and used their body language. It wasn't necessarily easy to imitate a guy's mannerisms, but I worked on it best I could. It's the best way I can recall learning how to pass on my own. Some guys choose to not pass, they're happy with their body and they don't want to grow facial hair or other masculine features.
Transitioning is different for every person. Own your transition and be proud of where you've come from. When you free your mind of doubt and insecurities, you'll see so many open doors and happiness coming your way.
Hudson's Guide: FTM Binding: Creating a Male-Looking Chest
The Art of Transition, FTM Transition -- 5 Chest Binding Methods, posted by Alex, September 2012
The Art of Transition, Top 8 Chest Binding Dangers FTM Transition, posted by Alex, September 2012
wikihow, How to Pass As a Male (For FTMs)
Places to buy/research binders:
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