I recently had a conversation with a good friend of mine. She and I hadn't really spent much time talking about my journey. We were talking about the Chaz Bono documentary,
Becoming Chaz, which is available on Netflix, and she had some questions for me. Please bear in mind that she is a close friend so we do get a little -ahem- personal. But I am always welcome to positive questions. For me, this is how it should go. Stranger, sibling, friend, family. A respectful conversation where everyone feels valued, trusted and respected. This is a text conversation that carried on between 3:15 am and 5:30 am, give or take 15 or so minutes for other conversations.
She did give me permission to use her name and to use this conversation as an educational tool. Thank you for allowing me to use this conversation, Crystal.
Crystal: I ... respect you so much for being the person you knew you were even when others didn't understand. Watching that documentary made me appreciate your struggles. Every person close to you should watch it
Colby: If you really want to know about my struggles, check out my YouTube channel. Read my blog. I even posted a blog tonight. I can send you the links. Every transgender person has a similar journey to a degree. But each journey is so vastly unique in the same respect. Some FtM want to carry their babies. I can't [do that]
Crystal: A year ago or so I can honestly say I didn't get it and was ignorant
Colby: That's ok. I was ignorant to what it meant from age 14-20 it just isn't easy to understand if you aren't deeply involved. If you don't mind, how did you view it? Maybe it can help me help others. Because I've only had one person who was close to me ditch me because of it. He wouldn't ever talk to me about it and that made it difficult for me to understand because everyone was very supportive
Crystal: Truthfully, I thought it was the concept of "penis envy"
Colby: Oh lord there is that lol but it isn't the root cause
Crystal: I was close minded
Colby: meh. Uneducated? There's nothing wrong with it unless you give out incorrect information and try to educate others in the wrong way with wrong info. You'd be close minded if you never asked questions or never accepted me (or any transgender person)
Crystal: You're cool w questions?
Colby: Always. How else can I help educate?
Crystal: When did you feel like a "boy"
Colby: Probably around school starting. I was infatuated with a little blonde girl in my kindergarten class. I "liked" her more than the other kids. And I also was upset that my best friend, who was a boy, could pee standing up and I couldn't
Crystal: So it was more than just wanting to be a lesbian?
Colby: It was never a lesbian thing. I never thought of myself as a female when I thought about girls. I always saw myself as a male and was very confused in sex ed when body parts didn't match up like they did in my head. I used to think I could like boys if I found the right one. I've also thought if it would be easier to just stay with Rachel and be Colby without hormones or surgeries {there was a personal conversation that prompted this response but I'm sharing because I know some people completely stop transitioning and revert back, but do some just simply stop taking hormones but still live as a man?}
Crystal: Do you plan on having bottom surgery? If that's too personal I understand.
Colby: I would love to, but the results are extremely costly, you need at least three depending on what type (yes there's more than one) but right now I feel like the results are too expensive {and too variable} to be a reality of mine. If stem cell research can be expanded to help change that or the surgery process improves, I will definitely reconsider.
Crystal: That documentary talked about the few there are. They all seem very painful and may not give you the "real" feel you're going for. As your friend is there anything I can do to make you feel more like a "man"?
Colby: With both bottom and top surgery, I'm scared if the scars created. It's very hard to get a sculpted chest without scars in America. I'm not sure what the hell it is, but of the multiple chests I've seen from Germany, that's the place to have it done lol If you are a friend of mine, which you are, all I ask is that you use male pronouns, you never mention my birth name and you never "out" me
Crystal: Are you on hormones?
Colby: No. Not at this time. I took testosterone boosters for a while but they only helped me build muscle. I need testosterone shots if I want the deeper voice and more hair
Crystal: When I speak about you, you'd like me to just say you're a guy and not female to male then? I don't say that but people have asked.
Colby: Right. There's this thing called "stealth" used in the trans community. It's kinda like being in the closet for the gay community. I don't necessarily want EVERYONE I meet to know I'm transgender. I simply am a man. That's all anyone needs to know. But if someone wants to engage in proper dialog or ask for education purposes, then I will talk to them and be honest. But I would rather be what's called a cisman (male who was born a male and identifies as male)
Crystal: Dumb question but you are aware of the side effects of the hormones correct?
Colby: Yes. I'm very aware of the side effects. The outcome outweighs the side effects. And that's why endocrinologists exist. To make sure I get blood work done and make sure I don't overwhelm my body with dangerous levels of t
Crystal: I know you changed your name but were you able to change your gender?
Colby: Usually in Oklahoma to change your gender you have to have a letter of intent from a therapist or a surgeon stating you are going to have surgery so I have not done that yet. But hopefully within the year I will
Crystal: I think you should consider filming your progress if you decide to do more hormones and or surgery...I think it would help others become who they want to be... Do people ever flat out ask you if you're male or female?
Colby: I do plan on filming more once I get over my dysphoria and stuff. Yes. Kids are usually the ones who flat out ask if I'm a boy or a girl. I always tell them I'm a boy, never "it's complicated" or anything. I don't know that they would be confused, but it's not something I want to expose to children without parental consent. I don't want to cross any line
Crystal: Do you feel like a "straight male" then?
Colby: I definitely feel like a straight male. Never felt as anything else honestly.
Crystal: If you weren't w Rachel and were to date would you tell your potential significant other that you are transgendered? Not sure if that's the correct verbiage. No ed right?
Colby: Correct. Transgendered almost sounds like "you used to be a transgender" or makes it sound like it's something you do, not who you are. Always transgender for every way you use the term. You can even shorten it to trans. There no offense in that. I feel as if I would be obligated to tell my partner that I am transgender and let them know my intentions with my life in the event I dated someone new. Luckily for me, Rachel has always seen me as male and had difficulty calling me Megan at work. And when I came out to her, it all made sense and it wasn't awkward, that I recall. Amnesia is a bitch lol
Crystal: Do you feel discriminated against very often? Do other people that you don't know treat you differently that you can tell?
Colby: Really the only time I feel discriminated against is when looking for jobs. People see that I present as male with my facial hair and how I dress but I have a very feminine voice and my records all have a female marker. When in public and when people pick up on cues like how I dress and call me sir instead of ma'am I don't feel discriminated against. And even if a server does call me ma'am I don't correct them. It's a tad but embarrassing and hurts my feelings but it's not so bad that I cry. Just pushes me to "pass" better I guess
Crystal: So sexually speaking, Chaz in the film said his "parts" were off limits, breasts mostly, because it felt "wrong". Do you feel that way and are you able to enjoy sex? I know that's very personal but it made me think you may not get the most out of sex because you don't physically have what males should have.
Colby: And that is touchy for a lot of people. I don't want to give out details that Rachel may not want others to know but nothing is off limits. I very much enjoy sex and have a partner who understands how sensitive I am about my body. It took us a couple of drunken conversations to figure it out but we talked about it and because of that, I never felt violated and we learned together what was acceptable and what was not
Crystal: Right I get no details! I just kinda worry as a friend it's not enjoyable like it should be I suppose?
Colby: It very much is. It's not ideal, no. But it takes communication and understanding and a deeper connection to make it comfortably work for both parties and Rachel and I have that. As a guy who doesn't have the traditional and expected male body parts, being with someone who has obviously been with traditional men it can be intimidating and even frightening to enter into a sexual relationship. That was a very big hurdle for me to overcome and 99% of it was all in my head
Crystal: Prior to you I've never met a trans [person]
Colby: Prior to myself I had never met a trans person either lol It took loooooottttssss of research both online and in my heart to figure out what it meant and what steps to take
Crystal: You make me feel comfortable and it's my favorite thing about you.
Colby: I'm glad. There's never any reason to be uncomfortable. It's not like I'm a journalist trying to put you on blast. I try to mirror my own comfort with others when talking personally so they know they can trust me as much as I trust them
Crystal: You do a fantastic job. You'd be a great therapist. Have you considered doing that before? Chaz helps small children who identify as trans
Colby: I have. I think I want to help trans kids and teens
Crystal: You'd be great. I admire your strength. It can't be easy and it may never be. Would you like to have top surgery in the near future? The documentary said it's about 10 k
Colby: I think it does at some point. At least talking about the transition gets easier. Talking about the past gets less awkward and embarrassing. Yes. Hopefully within a year. I can go to a famous doctor in Florida and stay there for a week for about 10k or spend about half that and stay close to home
Crystal: Would you like to do a fund raiser or anything to help? I'll do anything in my power to assist. You deserve to be comfortable with your body.
Colby: I have considered that and I've donated to a few guys but I think personally I am too afraid to ask for help from others. It's my journey. If I want it bad enough I'll make it happen, right? Idk. Maybe. I'm very much on the fence
Crystal: I think you should reach out more. You have a significant other and close friends who only want you happy and life is just too short to not be who you are... Erika mentioned your Mom had a hard time at first, is she getting better?
Colby: I agree. But I've already lost my life once. At least part of it. Asking for money for an elective surgery seems selfish to me. And I think part of that has to do with society's view on transgender surgeries. It's a struggle between Ma and I sometimes. But she tries very hard when Rachel is around. And she's starts calling me Julio because she doesn't always remember Colby. I think her feelings are hurt because I chose a name nothing close to what she named me. Rachel has to constantly give me the perspective of a mother when I'm frustrated because it should be so simple in my head. But my mother has loved me the same, if not more, since I came out to her. I know she only wants me to be safe, happy and healthy and that I will always be her pride and joy {she also calls me her prince in text messages}
Crystal: Would you be upset if we planned something for you? Obviously we would run everything by you but I'm just curious
Colby: I wouldn't stop anyone from doing anything for me. I would be very much grateful. I would give tshirts or make bracelets or write letters or something to personalize donations if anyone gave them to me. And the more they donate the bigger the prize. Things like that are common. I'd try to make that happen if I or anyone else started a fund for my surgery
Crystal: That documentary really opened my eyes. It would make me so happy to help. I feel like you would be able to truly live your life the way you want to with at least top surgery.
Colby: Well if anything ever happens I will let you know (unless you know first lol) 75% of my issues simply come from my chest. 20% comes from my voice and 5% comes from my weight
Crystal: Would you like to get coffee on your day off and talk more? I enjoy learning about your life. So I was right about the top surgery? It would make you a lot happier?
Colby: Sure. But can I get hot chocolate or tea? Coffee gives me the shits 😳😳 Oh god yes. I need five things to be happy: Rachel, orange juice, top surgery, hormones and a fully stocked xbox to be a happy camper
Crystal: Lol yes. I'll get you whatever you like if it's not crazy outrageous so no strippers this time k? Lol.
Colby: No strippers I promise! Save those for the bachelor party lol
Crystal: Is it too expensive to continue hormones? Erika mentioned you use to take them? And those would be for the rest of your life yes? Do you have health insurance?
Colby: Let's put it this way: if I did take hormones, I don't remember and no longer have a valid prescription. And if I got them illegally, I couldn't begin to tell you where or how I got them. Depending on insurance and the dosage amount, hormones can be from $40-$300 a month for the rest of my life. I do not currently have health insurance so I would have to wait until December when I can enroll with my employer to get it then try and get on t. Which isn't really difficult. Norman has sufficient doctors who will prescribe t. It's just getting the insurance to see them because they are considered specialists
Crystal: So back to the topic! Lol Is there anything I can do to help?
Colby: I get it lol help what? Help me?
Crystal: Yes. In any way?
Colby: Nothing that you don't already do, honestly
Crystal: I always use male pronouns. I never say you're "female to male" I never call you Megan. That's not your name. {cue That's Not My Name by The Ting Tings}
[A friend] did ask and I said you were a male Because you are. I knew he had questions. But I didn't think I needed to explain something so point blank. If that makes sense. I do try to correct people who are derogatory or ignorant. Not just about you but trans in general. I feel like people need to get their facts straight.
Colby: I definitely appreciate that. All of it. Thank you. Society does need to be educated. There are more MtF out there and they get the worst of it. The trans men don't get as much publicity because it's easier to blend in I think
Crystal: I also want you to know I'm here if you ever want to talk about it or vent. I respect you as a person and as a male friend. Even if you never have surgery or take hormones you will always be my awesome guy friend Colby. :)
Colby: Thank you crystal. That means a lot to me :)
Crystal: I know I sound like a broken record but you should be proud of how strong you are. I know it's not easy but you can get through this and I know one day I'll see you in a tux marrying your 🐧
The emoji that probably nobody can see is a penguin face. Penguins are Rachel's favorite animal and it touched my heart deeply when she sent me that text. I have amazing people in my life: my mom, Kesha, Rachel, Maygen, Tiffany, Shelby, Ronnie...people I work with, people I went to school with. The majority of them respect me, they use male pronouns, they call me Colby. They treat me as a male and I have the same social expectations as natural born males have. Sure, sometimes people slip and that's ok. It's not going to happen overnight, it's going to take some time, but the effort people put forth to make me feel comfortable in my skin and in my surroundings is amazing and I'm lucky to have what and whom I have in my life. Thank you all for being you and for not alienating me. I appreciate your support and love in this crazy, yet necessary and joyful, journey.
If you have any questions, if you need tips on how to come out or how to help your family/friends understand, don't hesitate to contact me. I am more than happy to do what I can to help you with this life-changing decision.